Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Tuseday 8th March - Farewell to Steam

The party on the terrace must have gone on for a while last night as the empties were still there as we went to breakfast. Most people are having a relaxed start today as the boneshakers aren't leaving until 10.15. Our destination is New Jalpaiguri station, the southernmost point on the DHR and a very busy broad gauge junction. There is the usual throng around the station and we are not helped by the fact that our local guide took us to the wrong entrance. In the distance we espied the narrow gauge platforms and eventually got there. It is heartening to see that Indian Railways is an equal opportunity employer. Not only could these ladies carry concrete, they could mix it as well.
Our train was delayed as it was necessary for it to get a path between the numerous broad gauge trains heading for the North Assam line. Eventually it pulled in, much to the consternation of the people who live on the platform. There hasn't been a train on this bit of line for months. The train buffs were delighted to see that we had a different loco, no 792 Hawkeye, built by Baldwins in the USA in 1917. There was plenty of room for track level photography and they even staged a false start to allow for the photographers to get both photos and a train ride. D bagged the rear seats in the observation coach at the back of the train where a window allowed photography back down the line.
The route curves out of NJP, parallel to the broad gauge North Assam line, which it crosses on the level, very exciting for train buffs. We stopped at Siliguri Town station and were descended on by urchins who totally cleaned R out of sweets, pencils and balloons. Some of our hard cases walked on ahead to photograph the train travelling through the bazaar. D stuck to photographs out of the rear of the train, including some of them running to catch up with us. As the train progresses through the bazaar, whistle shrieking, the crowd closes in behind it across the track and life returns to normal until the next train. The Health & Safety Mafia in the UK would have a fit if they saw this. There was a short pause to pick up the photographers then we were off across the Makananda bridge,shared by both broad and narrow gauge tracks in a gauntletted arrangement - absolutely thrilling!
At Siliguri Junction we had to wait for a clear path so the crew disappeared for a chai break. We took the chance to be small boys and have our photos taken on the footplate. When they returned we resumed our seats and continued up to Sukna, with the usual frantic activity on the part of the lineside population as the train approached and after it had passed. Back at the Cindrella it was time to start packing for our next move. Some of the group headed for the Harry Krishna temple while we hit the bar with the unredeemed. Tonight's buffet was something special including momos, dosas and all of our favourite veggie dishes. R's new top was a sensation and the talk of every steamie along the Sevoke Road.

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